International/Foreign Trade
For many years the trade team of Sayenko Kharenko as led by partner Dr. Tatyana Slipachuk and counsel, head of international trade practice group Nataliya Mykolska, has been one of the largest and busiest in Ukraine. In 2013 the team advised extensively on the WTO compliance matters and the effective free trade agreements (FTAs). For instance, the firm advised a large manufacturer of metallurgical production on WTO and FTAs compliance of introduction of quotas for coal imports; advised a large food industry company as to the WTO compliance of the potential increase of import duties for hops and the introduction of hops tax, as well as on certain issues related to the WTO Kazakhstan’s entry; acted for a multinational electronics company on the renewal of free trade regime under the CIS FTA for imports originating in the Russian Federation (RF). The team continues to be active in trade remedies. In particular, it represented a Russian producer of medical glass packaging and their official distributor in Ukraine, within the successful antidumping investigation on imports into Ukraine of medical glass packaging originating in the RF; advised a large chemical industry holding as to the initiation of the sunset and interim reviews of antidumping measures against the imports of ammonium nitrate originating in the RF; assisted ROSAVA, Ukraine’s largest tire producer, as to the initiated in Brazil antidumping investigation on the imports of tires originating in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Ukraine. The firm renders ongoing representation within the initiated reviews. Further, the team also demonstrated involvement into complex agency and distribution matters. Anzhela Makhinova is another notable figure of this team.
Volkov & Partners continued to boost with its trade remedies practice, the core focus of its trade team. The firm demonstrates an impressive list of projects covering both internal and external proceedings. Recent highlights includes advising ?i?ecam Group, Turkish and Bulgarian producers of float glass, in connection with interim and new shippers review of antidumping duties imposed on float glass import to Ukraine; representation of Druzhkovskiy porcelain plant interests in safeguard investigations against imports of kitchen tableware to the Customs Union conducted by Eurasian Economic Commission. The team stands out for its advice to Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine and certain large dairy producers as well as domestic producers of porcelain regarding initiation of trade defense investigations. Andrii Zablotskyi, senior associate, head of international trade law practice, enjoys a growing reputation and endorsements for his expertise.
AstapovLawyers international law group reinforced its position in trade remedies and WTO regulations by means of increasing number of clients and cases outcomes. In 2013 the group demonstrated benefits of its CIS reach and was active in a number of representations at the Customs Union investigations. The team as led by experienced partner Oleh Malskyy, Ivan Trofimenko, counsel and Victoria Buzhor, senior associate, had a busy year advising conspicuous names like Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’ Association, Turkish Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association and many others. In particular, the team recently provided full legal support to Istanbul Textile and Raw Material Exporters’ Association in special protective investigation of the Eurasian Economic Commission on increasing of import of cloth to the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Other notable project was representation of BNK Ukraine in an anti-subsidy investigation concerning import of certain oil refined products into Ukraine.
Being especially known for its outbound work, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners (EPA&P)advises on WTO regulation and free trade agreement issues. The key Kiev practitioner at the office is counsel Gleb Bialyi, who is praised by peers for his international issues expertise.
Attorneys’ Association Gestors gained the reputation of a team prolifically active in domestic trade remedies. In 2013 the client portfolio was replenished with the prominent Ukrainian industrial name of Concern Stirol. Notably, the trade team advised Concern Stirol concerning the use to the company of the individual licensing regime of foreign economic activity by addressing issues of repayment of arrears under foreign trade contracts and cancellation of special sanctions use by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Trade investigations practice is associated with the name of Yaroslav Snigur, an acknowledged expert in this field. Andriy Tsvyetkov, partner,is another contact.
Arzinger keeps a strong presence in the trade arena, encompassing trade investigations, customs disputes as well as dealership and import matters. The firm represented the interests of a group of leading car importers and dealers and acted for the industry association in one of the most high-profile antidumping investigations in the last years — on introduction of special measures regarding passenger car import to Ukraine. Recently Arzinger advised a big Ukrainian manufacturing company on initiation of a special investigation regarding Russian cement import to Ukraine and represents a number of Chinese manufacturers in proceedings regarding application of antidumping measures concerning products from China. Markian Malskyy and Pavlo Khodakovsky are trade practice lead partners.
Sergii Koziakov & Partners enjoys legacy on the market for itsadvice on foreign economic activity. Sergii Koziakov, founding partner, is renowned for his academic achievements, draws on many years of experience in the field. Recent highlight includes advising European producer of glass regarding application and review of trade remedy measures in Ukraine. The market recognizes Viktoria Kotsiubska for her involvement in trade remedies work.
Vasil Kisil & Partners invariably demonstrates commitment to customs and regulatory issues including tariff regulations and non-tariff requirements, as well as distribution, contractual work, tax related advice, etc. The team advised Google Inc. on importation of complex IT equipment into Ukraine; IKEA on the temporary importation from the Russian Federation and production in Ukraine of molds for the production of furniture, as well on FX controls and subsequent re-export of finished products to CIS countries. Given its presence in the aviation field, the firm continued to carry out large-scale assignments. Recently the team rendered legal support to AWAS Group regarding lease to leading Ukrainian aviation companies and mortgage under Ukrainian law of two Boeing 737-800 and one Airbus A330-200 aircraft. Among others, the diverse client base includes Air Liquide Engineering and Services Ukraine, NCH, HS International, Vitotek, TCL, UAB Baltijos Didmena, Thule, Ramburs, Natural Pharmaceutical, UPS. The trade practice is led by partners Denis Lysenko and Mariya Nizhnik, and the firm’s senior partner and top respected individual in Ukraine — Vasil Kisil. Ivan Yurchenko, counselor, and Oleksandr Tereshchenko, associate, are especially active across the recent caseload.*
* In August 2014 five partners – Denis Lysenko, Mariya Nizhnik, Anna Babych, Oleksandr Mamunya and Yulia Kyrpa left Vasil Kisil & Partners and established Aequo law firm.
Asters led by its managing partner Oleksiy Didkovskiy handles market access advisory, including import/export and relevant non-tariff regulations, transit, tolling, customs issues. The firm is particularly known for its solid clientele.
AGA Partners has a vivid agricultural focus in its client base. The compact local team provides legal support to the leading grain trade companies as Veles Trade, Eastmarket Grain LLP, Scanwel, BI Granum. Other notable clients are UkrLandFarming, Trigon-Export, Ramburs Group, Zekter. Aminat Suleymanova leads the trade team of Ivan Kasynyuk and Irina Moroz.
The Odessa-based Lexcellence Law Firm is seen in international trade, including international leasing and franchising. A recent highlight is legal support for the purchase/sale deal of the vessel in amount of USD 2.19 million between Dutch and Dominican companies. Furthermore, the firm is active on the dispute front and represented Saritas Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS(Turkey) in a dispute regarding the return of cargo confiscated by the Customs Service. The international trade team is headed by Vagif Mallayev, senior partner, with input from Victoria Konograi and Inga Drobinova.
The Kiev office of Beiten Burkhardt worked on cross-border instructions and public procurement projects. Advising CNC Associates, Inc./HAAS Europe with regard to a secured transaction in Ukraine in terms of the cross-border sale is a recent example. In December 2013 the office was closed and the team of nine lawyers joined the Kiev office of Gide Loyrette Nouel from 1 January 2014.
Throughout 2013 ARBITRADE, Ukrainian litigation-arbitration boutique, developed its offering on international trade of soft commodities (grains, vegetable oils, etc). The firm added international traders of agrarian commodities from EU (Italy, Baltic countries) and Russia to its agrarian clientele. Yuliya Chernykh is the main contact.
The newly established Khomych & Partners advised Moris Slovakia on structuring of the transaction, including advice on the financial part of the transaction, on supply of special vehicles (automobiles) in the framework of the EU International Technical Aid Programs. Yuliya Khomych is the main contact.
Kibenko, Onika & Partners, a Kharkov-based domestic firm,has delivered a legal support to private enterprise Partner in a transaction of purchase from a Chinese company of the high-tech equipment used in electricity and chemical industries. Olena Kibenko and Anastasiya Lytvynenko are main practitioners in this field.
KPMG Ukraine, known for its deep expertise in tax and customs matters, has been active in customs related litigations. For example, Sergey Popov, partner, and Vitaliy Naumenko, manager, assisted the Ukrainian subsidiary of a Swiss group operating in the agricultural sector in customs litigations related to confirmation of the customs value of imported products.
Lexwell & Partners as led by Andriy Kolupaev, advises on national trade regulations.Recently the firmadvised Toyota Ukraine on issues related to the amendment of the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade on the application of special measures concerning the import into Ukraine of cars regardless of their country of origin and export of hybrid vehicles.
Danevych Law Firm merged with Ulysses in December 2013 to become Marchenko Danevych. The traditionally strong in life science industry team has been strengthened with the tax expertise of Ulysses. Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly Vostok S.A. and other clients were provided with drafting and review of international sale-purchase and distribution contracts and advised on local requirements of foreign goods. Partner Oleh Marchenko became practice head. Borys Danevych, Maksym Sysoiev and Leonid Cherniavskyi, made up a key team.
Jurimex Law Firm is seen across public procurement, commodities trade, agency and exclusive cooperation issues. The firm stands out for its particular dedication to hospitality and tourism. Tatyana Prichepa supported Travel Professional Group in a broad range of mandates on collaboration in the field of international tourism.
IMG Partners headed by Ihor Melnyk represented a big car producer in relations with a Ukrainian company on the issues of delivery of automobile production. Gramatskiy & Partners renders commodities trade support, ranging from agricultural products and up to compound technological equipment. Aleksey Pukha & Partners consulted Latvian company New Vision on the supply of goods under a contract with the Velyka Kishenya retail network. ILF supported large-scale leasing contracts of manufacturing equipment and supply of construction materials.